Can you identify signs of Infertility in Men and Women?
When a couple decides to start a family, they feel ecstatic about having a baby and joyous about planning their childbirth. But after multiple failed attempts of conceiving, the couple’s happiness does turn into frustration. They feel disheartened to see the negative result for their pregnancy test month after month. This may even make the expecting couple feel low. A couple’s pregnancy may be delayed or prevented due to the infertility issues of either partner. According to the most updated statistics, women fertility challenges contribute to roughly a third of the reported cases and the men fertility issues are responsible for another third. In the remaining third, either both partners have underlying infertility conditions or the root cause of their childlessness remains undiagnosed.
In either case, it is essential to investigate the issue through medical check-ups and advanced examinations. In most cases, infertility is curable for both men and women. After proper diagnosis, the fertility experts can assist the couple with an accurate treatment and a customized fertility plan. This can help them achieve a healthy pregnancy in due course of time.
Week after week, we come across couples getting devastated after the consultation and initial investigations.
If you have been trying to conceive for a long time but have been facing issues, or if you are planning to delay child birth for few years, the following tell tale signs of male and female infertility will help evaluate the situation for the future course of treatment and also highlight importance of one consultation and assessment.
Signs of infertility in women
Inconsistencies in the hormonal levels of women is a strong indicator of possibility of difficulty in getting pregnant. Hormonal imbalance is a tricky situation for women who are trying to conceive. This presents mainly as irregular periods. All women who plan to extend their family must monitor their periods pattern and regularity.
Regular periods almost always are a definite signal of ovulation in cycles and thus point towards good reproductive health. Below mentioned are some easy ways to recognize symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women:
1. Irregular menstrual cycle
2. Heavy and painful menstruation
3. Excess hair growth in unwanted areas – Face, chin, belly
4. Acne or other skin issues
5. Sudden weight gain
6. Change in sexual drive
7. Extreme pain during intercourse
The above mentioned signs are also indicators of fertility disorder and need further evaluation to confirm elemental cause of women infertility. As and when you notice any symptoms or get upset with the repeated failed attempts of getting pregnant, you must schedule an appointment with the fertility experts and discuss your health condition in detail.
Fertility specialists address your symptoms and diagnose the medical condition before prescribing the necessary treatment. Although most hormonal issues can be corrected with life style changes and oral medication, there are certain other fertility challenges that are the leading causes of infertility in women and pose a greater threat to childbirth:
1. PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome –In this condition, multiple small cysts are noted in one or both ovaries and these limit the growth of the follicles and release of the egg. PCOS is also characterized by delayed or missed periods and considerable hormonal changes. Weight gain, hirsutism (excess hair), acne, mood swings are other common symptoms of PCOS.
2. Endometriosis – Endometriosis is a severely painful condition where the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed into the pelvis, settles and grow along pelvic organs especially ovaries. This endometriosis, much like the inner lining endometrium, sheds (inside the pelvic area) and reforms during every period. Women suffer from heavy bleeding, painful periods and painful sex. Severity of pain varies in each women.
3. Uterine Fibroids – This refers to small tumours that grow inside the uterus wall/womb. These can be as small as a seedling or really bulky in size that may even present with large tummy. Fibroids often develop in the childbearing years. Definitely noncancerous, however when present in multiple numbers or large size and when they distort the shape of inside of the uterus, are a major disruption to pregnancies, and may often lead to miscarriages.
Signs of infertility in men Let’s look at three major causes in men now.Any health condition that leads to lower sperm count or poor sperm condition is the core cause of infertility in men. Several lifestyle factors such as obesity, alcohol, smoking, drugs, excess mobile usage, late nights, less sleep hours, stress etc are known to negatively affect the sperm quality and reduce the chances of male infertility. Below is a brief list of some of the most easily recognizable symptoms of
male fertility disorders:
1. Dry spells or premature ejaculation
2. Erectile Dysfunction
3. Swollen and painful testicles
4. Sexually transmitted and other infections
5. Extreme weight gain
6. Cancer
Just like in the case of women, hormones must also be balanced in male partners to avoid reproductive health issues. Regulated hormonal levels and healthy life style ensure potent and healthy sperms i.e. sperms that are highly motile (refers to how well the sperm travels and retains its shape and size during and after ejaculation) and are in normal shape and structure, that they are more live Sperms than dead and that there is no infection in the semen.
Only healthy sperms can impregnate the eggs and thus it is crucial to fix sperm issues for the couple to be able to conceive. Sperms issues caused due to lifestyle disorders can be easily improved over time with some serious lifestyle correction remedies. If you are suffering from either of the above symptoms, you must schedule an appointment with the fertility experts. They will evaluate your current condition and prescribe a recovery plan to improve your sperm health.
Although the above issues can be corrected with medicines, there are a few male fertility challenges that may require immediate special attention and care:
1. Varicocele – It is one of the most causes of male infertility. This medical condition, similar to varicose veins in legs, refers to the enlargement of veins in the testicles. This creates excessive heat and damages the sperms, thus reducing their quantity and shape. Varicocele may or may not be painful.
2. Infections or blockages – Sexually transmitted infections, urinary tract infections, or any other form of blockage in the male reproductive system caused due to tumours, etc may also reduce the sperm quality and lead to male infertility.
3. Retrograde Ejaculation – Commonly known as dry orgasm, in this medical condition, the sperm is ejaculated into the bladder and does not exit from the urethra. This is not a serious health issue but does severely affect male fertility as there is no Sperm entering the womb to impregnate the woman.
Infertility is surely a worrisome condition but you must never lose hope. Owing to the immense advancements in medical technology, most patients who complain of infertility can be cured with the right medical support.
Irrespective of your current medical condition, if you are facing difficulties in having a baby, you must never shy away from consulting a fertility expert at Genesis Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre. Do not hesitate and share complete details about your symptoms and ongoing medications, if any.The fertility specialists at Genesis Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre are here to devise customized treatment plans to help you and your partner plan your family. By making subtle changes to your lifestyle and following the treatment plans religiously, you shall be able to achieve hormonal balance and improve your reproduction health in no time.Now, you can also experience the joy of holding your baby in your arms. Schedule a consultation with Genesis Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre today!